Located in the Plains of Alentejo and the Algarve Mountains, grooved by the rivers Mira e Sado, Ourique was inhabited since the Neolithic by agropastoral communities, who also explored its mineral wealth.
Archaeological Circuit of Castro da Cola
The Archaeological Circuit da Cola consists of an ensemble of 16 archaeological sites, covering approximately 15 km² and chronologically framed between the Neolithic and the Middle Ages. This ensemble of archaeological sites was determined mainly by its proximity to the Mira River and the existence of surface mineral deposits that were explored between the Chalcolithic and, quite probably, the Middle Ages. The human communities that settled here throughout the ages also shared a life dedicated to farming and cattle raising. Hunting and fishing played an essential role in their diet. There are many testimonies of the life and death of these communities in the Archaeological Circuit of Castro da Cola.

Reception and Interpretation Centre of
Archaeological Circuit of Castro da Cola
Summer (May 1 to September 15) – 9.30 a.m.-12.30 p.m. / 3 p.m.-6.30 p.m.
Winter (September 16 to April 30) – 9.30 a.m.-12.30 p.m. / 2 p.m. -5.30 p.m.
It closes on Tuesdays and Wednesdays,
January 1, Easter Sunday, and December 25.
colaassociacao@gmail.com / cacmb.ourique@gmail.com
Jorge Silva – 963090894