Archaeological Circuit of Castro da Cola, Ourique
37º33'40.11"N / 8º16'40.57"O
Free access
Reception and Interpretation Centre
Visits to this centre are free.
It closes on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, January 1, Easter Sunday, and December 25.
Summer (May 1 to September 15) – 9.30 a.m.-12.30 p.m. / 3 p.m.-6.30 p.m.
Winter (September 16 to April 30) – 9.30 a.m.-12.30 p.m. / 2 p.m. -5.30 p.m.
The fortified settlement of Cortadouro goes back to the Chalcolithic (3rd millennium B.C.). It is located on a spur to the South of the Mira River, offering good visual control over the surrounding territory, where an open mining pit was possibly already explored at this time. The site was occupied during the Iron Age and in the Middle Ages.
Although excavations have not yet allowed for a global vision of the site, they reveal the existence of a 70-centimetre-thick wall that served as a fortification for the areas with easier access. Many postholes were identified inside this defensive line, which may correspond to habitational units. These huts had circular or ellipsoidal plans and a semi-circular volume. Its structure was essentially made with perishable materials, composed of intertwining branches over a base made of stone. This vegetal frame was waterproofed with clay, which, over time, became hardened by the sun or an occasional fire.
Artefacts collected on-site inform us that this Chalcolithic community practised weaving and copper metallurgy.
Prepare your visit
The archaeological circuit has a Reception and Interpretation Centre near the Church of Nossa Senhora da Cola. It can be visited by people with reduced mobility (wheelchairs, baby strollers).
For more information, contact /
Jorge Silva – 963090894
Reduced mobility
The archaeological site of Castro da Cola is not accessible to people with reduced mobility (wheelchairs, baby strollers), and guided tours are not available.
Children should always be accompanied by a responsible adult.
Cautionary Note
Access to this archaeological site is facilitated by the owner of the land where it is located. Keep that in mind when you visit the site, respecting it and contributing to its cleanliness, maintenance, and preservation.

Bibliography & useful links
ARRUDA, Ana Margarida (2001). A Idade do Ferro pós-orientalizante no Baixo Alentejo. In Revista Portuguesa de Arqueologia, vol. 3, nº 2. Instituto Português de Arqueologia, Lisboa, pp. 207-291. Disponível em: Consultar Artigo Completo → [Consultado a 22/05/2023].
BEIRÃO, Caetano de Mello; CORREIA, Virgílio Hipólito (1994). Novos dados arqueológicos sobre a área de Fernão Vaz. In MANGAS, Julio; ALVAR, Jaime (eds.), Homenaje a José Maria Blázquez, vol. 1, Ediciones Clásicas, Madrid, pp. 285-302. Disponível em: Consultar Artigo Completo → [Consultado a 23/05/2023].
CORREIA, Susana; ALFENIM, Rafael (2001). Circuito Arqueológico da Cola. In Património / Estudos, n.º 1, Instituto Português do Património Arquitetónico, Lisboa, pp. 53-54.
CORREIA, Virgílio Hipólito; PARREIRA, Rui (2002). Roteiros da Arqueologia Portuguesa, 8 – Cola. Circuito Arqueológico. Instituto Português do Património Arquitectónico (IPPAR), Lisboa, pp. 24-25.
RAPOSO, Jorge (2001). Sítios arqueológicos visitáveis em Portugal. In Almadan. 2ª série: 10, Almada, pp. 100-157. Disponível em: Consultar Artigo Completo → [Consultado a 22 de março de 2023].
SILVA, Carlos Tavares da; SOARES, Joaquina (1977). Contribuição para o conhecimento dos povoados calcolíticos do Baixo Alentejo e Algarve. In Setúbal Arqueológica, vol. II/III, Museu de Arqueologia e Etnografia do Distrito de Setúbal, Setúbal, pp. 179-272. Disponível em: Consultar Artigo Completo → [Consultado a 31/05/2023].
VILHENA, J. (2006). O Sentido da Permanência. As Envolventes do Castro da Cola nos 2º e 1º Milénios a.C.. Tese de Mestrado apresentada à Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa.